The process of putting together our new fresh design for Red White and Blue Army is complete. With the help and hard work of graphic designer Doug Erickson, we finally have our own two exclusively designed and created Red White and Blue crests. Please check them out and leave feed back.
Also the other new feature that is finally officially live is our tabs listed above in the banner text, "WAG Tales," and "Bozo of the Week," and "Best Pubs," and "Youtubery," and "Group/Schedule," and "Blog," and "Your Hosts."
Three of the tabs have brand new material: WAG Tales, Youtubery, and Bozo of the Week. Clicking on WAG Tales will bring up pictures of the hottest wives and girl friends from around the globe. Clicking on Bozo of the Week will you bring you our weekly addition of our feature, plus you can scroll down to see past bozos. Nate I hope you enjoy the fact that I made myself the mascot on this section with your favorite photo. Clicking on Youtubery will bring you to all sorts of crazy soccer highlights that we feature on the site and will act like an archive of hot youtube clips you can find without having to go to youtube to get them.
The "Best Pubs" tab still does not have any info up yet because we have not had time to check out any yet. In due time we will have plenty of content for you to check out there. One such pub that will be featured shortly is Portsmouth's "Coat of Arms," a little hole in the wall bar just down the street from the more popular Sports Bar and next to the big parking garage - a great place to catch a game.
Three of our tabs are exactly the same - Your Hosts, Group/Schedule, and Blog. The Group/Schedule tab will take you to ESPN's full schedule of the World Cup. There you can see the daily schedule of World Cup games all the way through the knockout rounds to the WC final game as well as all eight groups and the teams that are in them. Your Hosts just has the same info as before, no need to update it. And if you click one of these tabs, to get back to the actual blog itself just click on Blog.
We hope you like what should be our final product for some time.
As always please leave feedback, comments, suggestions, ideas, criticisms, and please continue to spread the word. Also if you read our blog on a daily basis add yourself to the "Follower" section on the right.
Thanks and enjoy.
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